Raccoons, large mammals living in North America, Europe, and Asia, have attracted people's attention with their unique appearance and lively personality. However, the advantages of raccoon fur go far beyond this. In the fashion industry, raccoon fur is highly praised for its unique texture and durability. This article will explore the advantages of raccoon fur and its impact on fashion.


Firstly, the texture of raccoon fur is soft and elastic. This makes it an ideal choice for making high-end fur coats. Compared with other types of fur, raccoon fur is warmer and more comfortable to wear. Moreover, the touch feel of raccoon fur is also very pleasant, whether it is touching or wearing, it brings pleasure.

Secondly, the durability of raccoon fur is also one of its advantages. Due to the influence of raccoon's living habits and environment, they usually rub against harder tree bark, which makes their skin tougher. Therefore, raccoon fur has excellent abrasion resistance. Even after long-term use, it can maintain its original shape and color.

Furthermore, the unique texture of raccoon fur also provides designers with rich creative inspiration. The texture of each raccoon's skin is unique, which makes every product made of raccoon fur unique. This uniqueness makes raccoon fur a popular material in the fashion world.


In the fashion industry, raccoon fur is widely used. In addition to making fur coats, it is also used to make shoes, gloves, hats and other accessories. Many well-known luxury brands, have product lines that use raccoon fur. These products are not only loved by consumers but also attract the attention and criticism of environmental organizations.

Although raccoon fur has many advantages, we cannot ignore its impact on wildlife. To protect wildlife, many countries and regions have banned hunting and trading of raccoon fur. In addition, some brands have started to use artificial fur and other eco-friendly materials to replace raccoon fur.


Raccoon fur has won the favor of the fashion world with its soft texture, durability, and unique texture. However, while using raccoon fur, we should also pay attention to its impact on wildlife and actively seek more eco-friendly materials for replacement. Only in this way can we pursue fashion while protecting our planet.